Welcome to my digital home. Inside you’ll find fun stuff like blog posts on the various tech projects I’m working on, project details for in progress and completed works and way too many pictures of dogs past and present.
Electrical Engineer & Software Developer
Welcome to my digital home. Inside you’ll find fun stuff like blog posts on the various tech projects I’m working on, project details for in progress and completed works and way too many pictures of dogs past and present.
Apologies Well I guess I should apologize for the radio silence. This lapse was a doozy. Sorry for that. I clearly need to build in a day of the week where I sit down and write rather than code. It’s the only way I can have any hope of maintaining this site. And beyond writing …
Wow, a month has slipped by since the last time I published something to the site. That isn’t what I had in mind for an update schedule. I was hoping to do something every two weeks at a minimum. I will try to better honor that going forward. I want to keep this site from …
Well, the last few weeks have proven a little hectic, and put the schedule off a bit, but I’m back to it and the ship should be righted soon. Having been away, I decided I wanted to really get some work done on this site to get things into a ‘not so embarrassed to show …
I am an expatriate from Portland, Maine.